Sistemi di protezione del campo di battaglia e delle forze

In un campo di battaglia sempre più complesso e sfidante, Leonardo è in prima linea nella trasformazione digitale, per dare alle Forze Armate di terra la capacità di agire in modo rapido ed efficace in risposta alle minacce sia convenzionali che emergenti. Leonardo fornisce sistemi collaudati sul campo, integrati e interoperabili che soddisfano i requisiti più impegnativi.

Today the Company is a market leader in many battlefield digitisation programmes where we bring together sensors, optronics, platforms and C4I applications into a coherent  integrated system. We provide complete C4ISTAR capabilities at all levels, spanning from single digitised dismounted soldiers up to armed Brigades or Divisions operating in joint or multinational environments.
Our experience in Battlespace & Force Protection is complemented by a complete portfolio of advanced and battle-proven products, which includes ground-based radars, fire control systems, mounted and dismounted optronic systems, persistent surveillance networks, mission planning systems, and interoperable, high data rate communication solutions. As a matter of fact, we are recognized today as a market leader in the development of interoperable and net-centric solutions for land defence applications, underpinning the operational capability of Italian, UK and other NATO and allied armed forces.



Leonardo has the experience and background to design and deliver complete and turn-key Integrated Systems for Battlespace Digitisation, providing commanders at all levels with unprecedented tactical clarity, and which allow for full scale integration of fixed, mobile and dismounted units.
The Company has also designed and delivered Integrated Systems for Military Asset Protection, such as our field-proven turn-key solution for protection of Forward Operating Bases (FOBs). Our FOB protection systems exploit a network enabled architecture which integrates a family of heterogeneous sensors and platforms to strengthen surveillance and detection, to increase the safety of personnel (especially by anti-intrusion measures), to enhance active protection (using more effective weapon systems), and to improve the ability to exercise Command & Control for responding to potential threats. Each FOB is supplied with dedicated surveillance and defense systems, customized to reflect the characteristics of the base.
For both the two  domains of Force Protection and Border Control, Leonardo today leads the way in state-of-the-art Acoustic & Sensor Networks (HALO, Hydra). The company has over 40 years experience and has delivered this class of systems to more than 20 armies worldwide.



  • Leonardo is Prime Contractor, Design Authority and Lead System Integrator of Forza NEC, the project undertaken since 2006 by the Italian Defence Administration with the objective of modernising the Italian Armed Forces. The contract covers manufacture and integration of command posts in shelters and vehicles, communications, C4I devices for soldiers, combat and tactical platforms, uncrewed vehicles, offering full interoperability between the Italian Armed Forces and the forces of other countries.
  • The Company has developed and fielded the Italian Army Command & Control Automated System (SIACCON), used from Divisional to Battalion level, which participates to many multinational missions thanks to its capability of being federated with the NATO and other multinational networks, including the Afghan Mission Network (AMN).
  • Leonardo provided to Italian Ministry of Defence a number of base protection systems for the forward operating bases (FOB) and the forward support bases (FSB) that are in service in Afghanistan.
  • Our Hostile Artillery Locating System (HALO) is currently in service with the British Army, the Canadian Army and the US Marine Corps and seven other nations. It has been deployed in both the urban areas and mountainous terrain of Bosnia and Kosovo; and operated in the deserts and cities of Iraq and Afghanistan.



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